hello 2015

helllooo! it’s been a long, long …pause. hmm…where do i start?

out of sight but still am an avid typewriter fan/collector /hoarder.  the last time i checked, i still have about 30 typewriters, not considered many compared to the peak of my obsession phase. I’ve sold a couple and given a few as gifts. there are still a few pending tlc to clean and in need of a mini makeover.

i’ve been more selective in buying typewriters in 2014.



here is my pride and joy – a golden princess for my princess (when she is old enough to appreciate it). meanwhile, this mommy will safe keep for her.

i have not type any letters the whole of 2014 😦 .
I’ve used my favorite typers mostly for arts and crafts.



please share how you used your typewriter/s.

ok i confess, there is a reason why the sudden blog post today. stay tuned. 🙂


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